Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Assignments 1,2,3,4

For this assignment I started at step one and created and oval image and did a red gradiant background. I then inserted a text box and typed my name, adding a shadow effect and changing the color and font. I then added the "bump in from left" effect.

For assignment two I created a ball image and also a rectangular image. I made the ball image look like a basketball and changed the background to a blue color. I made the line around the ball black and then added the "bounce" effect to it.

For assignment three i changed the background to a purple color and inserted two images. The first image is a wine glass that is animated to shake. Once the glass has finished shaking, the wine bottle swings in for a refill.

For assignment four i started by creating another oval image and using three colors and the gradiant tool to create a pink and purple background. I also changed the background for the whole image. I then typed my name in, changed the color and font, and added the "in from right" effect. I then went to the Page, add a page for the second part. Here, I created a purple square and changed its line to 3point and made it pink. I then added the "horizontal sweep" effect. I then created a text box and put the word BOING in it, and added the "vertical up" effect. For the final part, I added another page, and create a square image and made it grey for ice. I then inserted a hockey puck and added the "rotate out in" effect to it. I then added a text box saying "drop the puck" and made the writing maroon and gave it the colored glow effect.

After each assignment, I exported the image to check it, and then uploaded the file to my google site shown here:

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